proposal for the International Conference of the European Network of Political
Ecology (ENTITLE) : UNDISCIPLINED ENVIRONMENTS - Stockholm, 20-23 of
March 2016
methods: disseminating research results beyond academy
Angela Caretta, Human Geography Dept., Stockholm University
Minoia, Geosciences and Geography Dept., Helsinki University
methods are increasingly used in the social sciences. Research participants are
called to make contributions to the research process by engaging through
participatory methods in the creation of situated knowledge.
In this
panel we go one step further: how to ensure that the knowledge gathered goes to
the benefit of the local participants? It has been said that participants are
often deprived of the knowledge they contributed in co-producing. Researchers
take the information with them back to their universities and publish it in
scientific journals and reports that are not only physically inaccessible to
participants, but they are often using obscure terminology.
How do we
move beyond this unjust hierarchical research relationship? How do we ensure
that research results are comprehensively disseminated outside the academia?
Which methods do we employ to decolonize knowledge construction and
translation? How do we create spaces of inclusion for participants and research
assistants in the process of reporting back research results?
We welcome
contributions on (but not limited to): dissemination of results, knowledge
translation, participatory processes of knowledge construction and
dissemination, ethical aspects and dilemmas in communicating research results,
participatory feedback sessions and member checking.
Useful references:
MacKenzie et al. 2015. Advocating beyond the academy:
dilemmas of communicating relevant research results. Qualitative Research 2015,
Vol. 15(1) 105–121
Whittle, R, Marion Walker, and W Medd. 2011. Suitcases,
Storyboards and Newsround: Exploring Impact and Dissemination in Hull. Area
43(4): 477–487.
Oldfield, Sophie. 2008. Who’s Serving Whom?
Partners, Process, and Products in Service-Learning Projects in South African
Urban Geography. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 32(2):
Fitzgerald, Tanya. 2004. Powerful Voices and
Powerful Stories: Reflections on the Challenges and Dynamics of Intercultural
Research. Journal of Intercultural Studies 25(3): 233–245.
Blerk, Lorraine Van, and Nicola Ansell. 2007. Participatory
Feedback and Dissemination with and for Children: Reflections from Research with
Young Migrants in Southern Africa. Children’s Geographies 5(3): 313–324.
Send a 200 words abstract to Martina Angela
Caretta and
Paola Minoia
by Wednesday 7th October at latest.
Very interesting article, Thanks for sharing.